Cracks of the Island is a journey with music and dance on the island of Vallisaari in Helsinki. It is a performance, but also a communal walk, where nature, man and art communicate in a truly unique environment. Because of the performance, the island and the sea around it appear in a totally new light.
Cracks of the Island was performed in August 2018. The work group included three dancers and two musicians.
Viewers walked in silence with the performance on an outdoor route. Length of the route was 3 km and the duration of the performance was 1,5h.
Experiencing Saaren Halkeamia
An event in an abandoned military site—who could expect much from that, I wondered? How wrong I was. A marvelous event unfolded: four lovely sprites/dancers in diaphonous white moving through the forest, on granite, by the water and the abandoned buildings, with sounds and song that that echoed the silence, as did the beat of a drum, a saxaphone, a flute. Each gave voice to the meeting of the human and the natural world. The dancers and musicians wove a tale of reclaimed connection with the natural world, of a communion with our earth that is alive to the wonder of it all. I found this a deeply moving performance that deserves to be experienced by as many people as possible.
– Darrol, Canada