Performances for babies   Loiske Ensemble   Generations together   

Strong and Gentle (Vahva ja hellä)

Strong and Gentle is a joint dance and music performance for various generations.

The work presents the experience of strength, gentleness, power, and fragility throughout one’s life – and its respective extremities. The premise is the sensorial experiences we all have from babies to old age. The performance is built between generations to enable them to enjoy it simultaneously.

You can order this performance to care homes, sheltered housing, cultural venues, or parishes. The performances take place indoors, but also in the open in the summer months.

Strong and Gentle – Age and Connection is a pilot project by Loiske Ensemble of OSIRIS theatre. It is aimed at improving the wellbeing of the elderly and to enhancing the encounters of various generations through means of art. Read more about the project

Esityksestä sanottua

“Tuntui sydämessä saakka”

“Kyllä taiteen voima on ihmeellinen!”

“Kaikki krempat unohtuivat esityksen ajaksi täysin”

“Voiteli sielua ja mieltä”

“Monitasoinen ja upea esitys, jossa eri ikäiset katsojat kohtaavat toisensa”

“Ihanat musiikit ja kaunista tanssia. Esitys liikutti ja kosketti.”