Art in nature   

The wilderness journey (Korpimatka)

A dance and music performance at the Kitee wilderness and game trail (North Karelia)

The wilderness journey is a performance art walk in nature. The premise of the performance is the relationship between man and nature.

The participants walk along the path with the performers. With the help of dance, music and silence, the forest nature of the wilderness path is shown in a new light and the participants get to deepen their own relationship with nature through the art experience.

Tickets: 15e / 12e discount group applies to people under 18, senior citizens and art professionals. Group ticket (5 people) 50e. The ticket includes coffee service.

Place: Kitee wilderness and game trail, Anttilantie 4 b, 82380 Kitee

Ticket reservations: Kahvila Wilhelmiina / / 050 531 4717. Duration of the show is about 2 hours.



“Täysin ainutlaatuinen kokemus”



“Kuin laatuviini”